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Kaggle's informative Tutorial


I would like to declare that this is just an Informative post. No promotion of site or any of its partner is done here. Would share this kind of platforms regularly with everyone so one can code online & learn. 

Today we will see how to use kaggle.

What is kaggle? Well it is an site where MNCs host competitions to find solutions of their problems based on ML & AI. Also it is one of the best platforms to learn Python, R, Machine Learning & many more stuffs. It has its own coding environment like Jupyter Notebooks, Which is known as Kernel. This kernel supports both R & Python. In this kernels you can code freely and develop your own code & run it there itself as it gives 14gb RAM & 5.2gb GPU for each session.

Let's see how we can leverage power of kaggle for learning.

You need to make account first which only require an active E-Mail id. Then after signing in. You will see dashboard like this.

My Kaggle Newsfeed


Many competitions in kaggle gives Money Prices, Some are for knowledge & some may also result in recruiting. But most of the time we get to learn things from other Data scientiests. I would suggest you to enter competitions which are focused on knowledge. 

How to take part in it?

If you want to take part in one of them. Then click it read the description & then if you find it interesting then join it. Then after you can download dataset and work on it.   

Tips & Tricks

If you are new to this, then first go to discussion forum of that competition & study the blog posts by users for that competition. They share the basic understanding of dataset, few codes, guides etc. It will be beneficial to use those helps & carve your way out.


Kaggle is one of the sites where you can find datasets for your machine learning projects. Generally they are in csv formate but one can also get other formates too. I personally use kaggle datasets frequently. 

Kaggle datasets. Almost 14k datsets including images, text corpuses, etc.
You can find & use your desired datsets from here for free. It has a very reach library for it. 


Kernels are the place where you will code. This part of blog is important because of kernel's high performance & better results. Plus its FREE!!!

Well it looks like this 

Output Look of kernel after running. This will be seen by other users.

The real interactive session of kernel. Looks same like jupyter notebook environment. Also it is version controlled.
This kernel will run on cloud & process the output until 6 hours. Then session will be closed. 


Kaggle also provides free learning courses solely on its cloud. One can learn about subjects listed in its site. All we need is to go in learn menu & start learning. 

Kaggle Learn Dashboard

Its free of cost & i would recommend everyone to take part in it & start learning. 

That's all for now. See you later.!!



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